Friday, May 23, 2008

Two Excited Girls, One disappointed Boy

Today the school and Toyota of Stuart gave away 101 Bicycles to students with good character picked by their teachers. A note was sent home last week from the teachers to the parents of the students who were picked to receive a bike. The note stated it was a surprise and if we wanted to attend the ceremony to be at the school at 1:00 pm in the office and we would be taken to a spot to hide out till just before the ceremony began.The first note to come home was for Andrea. It was neat to think she would get a new bike. A few days later a note came home for Jessica. I waited anxiously to see if a note would soon follow for Zach as he would be disappointed if he didn't receive a bike and his sisters did. Unfortunately that note never came. So today at 1:00 Rod and I headed for the school. As we were taken to the outside area where the bikes were to be given away, Jessica spotted us walking by where she was sitting. I don't think Zach or Andrea spotted us for quite some time. Andrea was one of the first few to receive her bike. She gets very embarrased so we weren't able to get a picture of her as she went forward to get hers. She started crying and just wanted out of the spotlight. Of course time went on and knowing Jess was getting one we waited. They went by grade and hers being close to the last grade in the school we knew it would be later. Little did we know she would actually be the last one to get hers. She was # 101. Zach was disappointed but he was told if his room is clean and was good for the rest of the day he may have a prize coming too.

All the bikes lined up

All the students anxiously waiting for their name to be called

Me and Andrea

Jess and her bike # 101

Both girls together

Our Daily Routine

Our mornings start off about 6:30 AM. Rod & I try and wake ourselves up(usually we are awake) But lets say we try to get the energy to get out of bed and start the daily routine all over again. We wake the kids up to get ready for school and chaos begins. Four kids all wanting the bathroom at the same time sometimes becomes a challenge. But for the most part they do pretty good. Brittany tries to be the first one in since she has to be to school the earliest (7:40AM). But as of this week Jessica now has to be to school at 7:25 AM for safety patrol training for next year. She is so excited that she was chosen to be a safety patrol for next school year. She wants to get up at 6:00 AM. I think thats a bit too early! Anyhow, so now we change courses and get Jessica out the door to school first. I frantically finish packing lunches. I usually prepack as much as possible the night before so I only have to put the sandwich together and a freezie pack in. Very helpful when packing 4 lunches.So after Jessica is out, Rod returns for Britt and she's out the door. I finish doing hair and he returns for Zach and Andrea to be the last out the door to arrive at school by 7:50AM. Then we think it's time for a breather.
Not So! Meagan has usually risen about 7ish and so we begin the breakfast routine for Rod, I and Meagan. Coffee is usually on while the kids are getting ready.Once
they are out the door I start breakfast for us. Usually eggs and meat for us. And Yogurt or banana and cereal for Meg. We get to sit down sometime after 8AM to eat and relax a few minutes. By about 8:25 chaos starts again as Rod gets Meg's together for her new latest adventure leaving home to go to a babysitter. We got spoiled with a wonderful babysitter who came to our house and babysat and did a wonderful job. Jessica Rauschenberger was the best. But she decided to move back home to finish school. We'll miss her alot and so will Meagan.She loved Jessica alot! While Rod gets Meagan dressed I get myself together so we can be out the door by a goal of 8:45.Not always is that goal achievable. But usually comes close. Meagan gets dropped at the sitter and we are off on our adventure to work at the office from 9-5 and usually ends up being 6:00 before leaving the office or making it home. Then the fun begins again, getting dinner together, actually sitting and eating as a family, cleaning up the table and kitchen and squeezing in time to help the kids with homework. Let's say by this time my brain is not ready to explain multiplication to a struggling child , or explaining simple English that this mother can't seem to think of a simple way to explain it. Once we make it through homework the baths begin, the fight to get them all in bed and I try to throw a load of laundry in to wash and hope I can stay awake to dry it and fold it. Soon it's 11:00 pm and time to go to bed and start it all over again tomorrow. Whew! Makes me tired thinking about it!

This is Meagan who thinks she has to have her morning coffee with mom & dad also

Here we are getting Meagan's lunch together to go to the sitter. Lunch # 5 to pack for a few weeks.

Here we are getting ready to leave for the sitter with her little backpack and lunch box. Isn't she Cute? Hard to believe we will be sending her to kindergarten in a few years!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Every year the kids get pictures taken at school in the spring. You never know what they might turn out like. Below is a glimpse of the outcome.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Long story short

Lets see how we can narrow this story down. Friday evening I get a phone call from my oldest daughter Lex in Ohio. She wanted to know if I had received anything. I was a little in the dark, so wasn't sure what to say, but No I had not. She preceded to tell me she had sent flowers and they were to be delivered to me at work by 5pm.
So , I got the picture of what was happening and they preceded to call 1-800 Flowers where they had ordered from. WE got the picture that they were to be delivered Saturday. Well of course noone is at the office on Saturdays, so we posted a note with Rod's cell phone # to call and waited.
No call came in. So No mother's day gift arrived. Monday was the next opportunity and they still never arrived by 2pm. So they called again and were told a local florist would be called and would have a delivery by 5pm Monday. Still no flowers showed.
Tuesday, about 11:30 am my flowers arrived in a box, and half dead. Below you'll see that picture.

My half dead Mother's day flowers

These finally arrived Tuesday about 4pm . Much Better.

Lets just say , Rod made a nice phone call to customer service and the flowers were to be free. And we are to receive a coupon for 20% off the next order. Let's just say there won't be any future purchases from this dis-satisfied customer.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Jessica Made a coupon book with coupons I can cut out to use for items she will do for me. (most are things I make her do on a regular basis anyhow). She also made a pen with a flower on it in a cup with beans to hold it up.

Zachary made me a purse out of the styrofoam stuff you buy. The decor on the front is cute. He also had a poster(sticking out of the purse) with mother spelled out and what each letter stood for. Quite precious!

Andrea drew a picture of her & I together, also another picture with a flower , and a pinch pot made out of clay.

Brittany picked out a very nice card and is with Meagan and my favorite flower a Lilac. Love to smell those things.

Each present was very precious. Their efforts mean more than anything they could buy. They get so excited when they come home from school and were just dieing all weekend to give it to me. Andrea asked repeatedly if it was Mother's day yet.
I enjoyed each gift tremendously!

Birthday party!

As promised(a little late) pictures from Andrea's birthday. Nothing special, but kids are always excited to get gifts. She's a special little girl and hopefully she had a nice birthday.

With her cake

With Mom & Dad

Opening gifts

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday Andrea!!

On May 2nd 2001, Andrea Renay entered into our family. Our little blondie has been quite a joy. She is very loving, but she also holds her own amongst her brother and sisters. Andrea is independent and tries to do everything on her own. She loves fixing hair, and after dinner most every night she wants to comb or style your hair. We end up with some pretty wild doo's sometimes. In the pictures below you will see one of the times grandma let her do her hair before she was to go to the beauty shop.
Unfortunately my laptop has chose to crash, and so most of my pictures are on it, and not backed up by my own stupidity, so I only had a few to pull from the desktop. You can see the changes over time.
Party pictures will follow when I get the opportunity to download to the desktop.