Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cinderella,Cinderella......Poor Cinderella!

My poor kids think they are so abused because they actually have to work around the house. They all claim they are Cinderella because we make them mop the floor on hands and knees once a week, besides the regular sweeping and damp mopping it receives throughout the rest of the week. These poor kids have to clean their own rooms and put their own laundry away too. And sometimes they even have to wash their own clothes. Not by hand! The washer actually washes them, but they might have to put them in the washer and turn it on. Such Abuse!
Some People think we may be mean to make our kids do such work, but I think it is a training process for when they get older and have their own homes to take care of. I'm not always sure we are teaching and training the right way, but we try our best. Hopefully when they grow up they will appreciate what they have been taught and not feel they were made to do a bunch of work for no reason.

Poor Britt has to sweep the floor

Are we actually smiling while scrubbing the floors?

Hard at work, Zach & Andrea

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