Friday, June 6, 2008


This blog is long overdue. I'm so far behind. This time of year is just too busy. The end of the school year has finally arrived. Yesterday was the last day of school for the younger three. And today is the last day for Brittany. She has 2 more exams to finalize today and she'll be out by lunch. Yippee!! No more packing lunches and scrambling to get out the door. I'm so ready for the break. Not sure how long it will last because I know I will get a million phone calls all day long about so and so won't do this or that and someone hit me or won't clean their room or do what they were told. I can hear it all now! I may be ready for school to start next week so I have at least 6 hours a day of peace!

Zachary did end up with a bike donated by none other than Us! We had to go find that special bike that was on sale because the brake line had a kink in it. But he is very excited !

Zach proudly displaying his new ride


Andrea lost two front teeth within days of each other. So now we have a really bad lisp. I sure hope they arrive soon or she'll be singing that christmas tune.

1 comment:

A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

I couldn't believe it when I saw her last week. She looks so cute and they look like they are coming in really good too. She is getting so big!! I'm sure the kids are glad to be out of school. Tricia gets so lonely when they are in school with no one to play with. Next year it will be her turn. I'm really excited to see her go. Have a great summer.