May has been a busy month. The end of a school year brings many things to do. There have been competitions, programs, awards programs and Graduation.
Andrea and Zachary both love to draw. And andrea was asked by her art teacher to make a drawing for competition to represent there school. Andrea is my perfectionist so she draws, erases, draws, erases, crumbles up the paper, starts over, you know where this is going. So she got a little frustrated in the process. So she drew her rendition of the Jupiter lighthouse. She colored it with crayons and was pleased with her picture. Until... she took it in to show her art teacher and the teacher informed her she couldn't color it.. it had to just be in pencil with shading. She hadn't really done much shading.. so she came home all frustrated. Luckily Brittany had been taking art classes this year in high school and they had gotten into shading. So Britt helped her out and showed her what to do. She was well on her way.. almost finished with the picture. Well she left it lay on the table and walked away and Meagan decided to help her out and draw on it. So now she was really frustrated. She had to start over with only a couple days before competition left to finish. She worked hard, and we had a finished product. She new she could do better.. but we sent the picture to competition anyhow.WE were shocked when she came home with a first place ribbon!!
Zachary had to get in on drawing..although he did not take a picture to competition he drew one to display in the art room after on of their recent programs where he played his trumpet. He is my musician in the house.
Finally.. after many long nights in about a 3 week period, finishing up senior scrapbooks, term papers and all that homework we made it to Graduation.
So on May 14th Brittany graduated from High School. Another chapter closed in the book and a new chapter waiting to begin.