Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy 9th Birthday Zachary!!

My only little boy turned nine years old on Sunday Nov. 18th. He is spoiled rotten since he is the only boy in the family. It's hard to believe how fast he is growing up. We had a little party for him Sunday afternoon. Of course as usual I let each one pick their special birthday meal. He chose Lasagna and garlic bread. A very simple meal to put together, and of course another wonderful cake by our friend Cindy Marroquin. She does such a beautiful job decorating. We had a few people over, our good friend Gay, our new neighbor and friend Larissa Hunter and her parents who were in town, Zola & Stanley and Grandma Brown.
Life is so busy right now. That's another whole blog to come later. But it's nice to sit back one day and celebrate life. Happy birthday Zach Man! We love you lots!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The last week....where did it go?

Where do I begin? This past week has flown by. We have been very busy in the office, and I just haven't had time to be on the internet for myself too much. So I am a little slow in posting, so we'll do the last week all in one shot.
Let's start off with Meagan. She ran into the corner of the glass table in our dining room. One of the kids were chasing her and guess she hit it just right. I had just taken the corner bumpers off about 2 weeks ago. So, we had blood everywhere and she got a nice shiner out of it. It's looking better each day. Thank goodness she didn't need any stitches.
We also had tropical storm Noel moving through our area and we received lots of rain. So this was making it impossible to dodge the raindrops and try and go door to door for trick or treating. So, we opted for the comforts of indoors and headed to the mall. This was our first experience doing the mall thing. And boy was it an experience. We entered the mall through JCPenneys. Went out into the hall and Boom! There were hundreds of people standing in a line. So you squeezed in line with the rest and made your way around the mall in a circle. They had people stationed outside the stores with candy handing each child like one piece. Needless to say after many people running you over and walking for hours. We came away with barely anything. We had 4 bags going and got not quite a candy dish full when we got home. So lets chalk that one up as experience. I suppose everyone went to the mall with the same idea of staying dry. There were hundreds of people everywhere!
Meagan has her days in the office. She is frustrated at times. But we are working on a part time sitter to get her out of the office a few hours a day. She is quite the ham sometimes.
It was good to see Tim & Sharron Teed. We went out to dinner with them to Bono's. A great BarBQ place. We had good food and some nice conversation. Always nice to slow down and enjoy life. That's been kind of hard to do lately.
Back in the middle of another week. Always plenty to do, Thursday evening we have 2 parent teacher conferences. Does the madness ever end??

Meagan's first black eye. And this looks good compared to the first day.

All my little trick or treaters

Meagan didn't care about any tricks, She just wanted the treats. She helped herself to a sucker once she figured out what they were giving her

I guess when you get up out of your seat, you stand the chance of losing it. Meagan decided my chair looked like a comfy place for a nap one day

It was good to have Tim & Sharron Teed in for a few days over the weekend.

The kids engrossed in conversation after a delicious dinner

Mommy & Meagan enjoying some after dinner conversation

This is Meagan, playing around in Dad's office. She loves to climb on everything. Somedays she is quite a handful.