Friday, October 12, 2007

Meagan and the icemaker

For those of you who think I have dropped off the earth, I have not! The last few weeks have been very busy. Trying to juggle a full time work schedule, homelife and everything in between sometimes gets the best of me. It's been several years, like 10 yrs since I have worked at a job fulltime. We are getting many people stopping by the office to check things out. We are getting our agent appointments and visits from the many companies we are writing with. So this is keeping us on our toes.

I went home the other night and while fixing dinner Meagan decided to push a chair up to the fridge and help herself to some ice. Well, you can't tell in the video but she changed it to the water button and was running water all over the floor. Of course Andrea had to help her out and change it back to ice, so she proceeds to have ice shooting out at some point. This is the fun I have to deal with on a daily basis with Meagan. She keeps us young!


Anonymous said...

The video of her staring at the water pouring down the fridge is so cute! When they are that age, everything is a new discovery. Cute!!

Truckin Teeds said...

Hey! So glad you guys are doing ok. I hope you have tons of calls this week for new clients! :o)
We hope we'll get to come down for a bit this winter. I'm sure all your kids have grown since we last saw them (well, except maybe Britt). Tell them all we miss them. Take care!

kayla said...

Now I have a reason to be thankful that my fridge doesn't have outside controls.