Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Miss You Daddy!!

Rod left Sunday evening for Texas for a week of training. It's a very rare occasion that we are ever apart as a family and that Rod I ever spend any time apart. I know for some people they often spend time away from each other but we just don't enjoy it. I for one just can't sleep well without him home. I know I may sound wierd, and it's not that I'm scared or anything but I just miss knowing he's there beside me. We have barely been apart in the almost 19 yrs we have been married . And this week (6 night apart) is the longest we have ever been separated. I definately do not enjoy it. Especially trying to manage a family of 5 children alone. The everyday tasks are all on one person and it is not fun. I am exhausted mentally and physicaly. My hats are off to any single parents who have to do this all by themselves all the time. I don't envy them one bit.
Anyhow, the kids were given a horse to paint by their dad when he left. And below are some pictures of them trying to paint their horses to show him when he gets home. They didn't do too bad and we didn't even have any paint messes to clean up. Yeah!

Zach intently working away

The girls look like they are enjoying their project

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We Did It!!!

This month we celebrate one year in our new office. For our first year we set a goal that we wanted to hit in production. We made that goal in our 12th month!! We are so excited and can't wait to see if we hit our next goal. We have truly been blessed by the business and are excited to see what the future holds. We bought lunch on Friday for everyone and also had a cake to celebrate!

A yummy Chocolate Raspberry cake from Banbury Cross! MMMM Good!!

The office staff that helped make it possible!

Rod & I and Kevin & Becky & Kaelyn owners

Thursday, September 18, 2008

She's so cute!!

My baby is growing up fast!! At 2 1/2 years old already and hard to believe how big she is. In the mornings when we go to work she heads to the baysitter's. A very good babysitter in fact named Cherri Finney. She has her little backpack in tow , blanket, her cow and her lunch box. I had to take a picture the other day of her as she was heading up to the babysitters house. She looks so big and grown up. And 3 more years she'll be heading to kindergarten. Boo Hoo!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meagan & The bubble wrap

Meagan along with all of my kids just loves to pop the bubbles on the bubble wrap. So when we received a package at work one day with a large piece in it Rod said he wanted to take it home to Meagan. She had so much fun. I think the pictures say it all.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Baby Preacher

I found this video on Godtube. I thought it was really cute. This baby is really gettin into it. I just wonder who he's been watching?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hurricane updates

Ikes projected path

As many of you probably already know, Hanna missed us and made her way up the east coast. Thank goodness! It also looks like Ike is going to stay to our South. We will see some wind and some occasional rain out of it. But we don't have any worries. No boarding up to do! Yeah! And no mad rushes for gasoline and groceries, no power outages and no missed school days. We lucked out again. Although the poor people in the Gulf will not be so lucky. We only hope there are no major damages or injuries to the people who have to deal with it. Josephine looks to be no threat but to the fish. So we have escaped it again.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hanna (not Montanna) might be stopping by for a visit

We Floridians just love this time of year. Hurricane season is in full force and we are watching 3 storms right now that could be a potential threat to Florida. Hanna is our closest storm looking for a place to make landfall. We are still in that uncertain cone of error that we could see some potential threatening weather. Looks like we will see some wind gusts of 30-40mph sustained on Thursday afternoon. Of course these storms are so unpredictable you never know what can happen. We'll be watching the forecast to find out Hanna's destination. Not far behind Hanna we have Ike & Josephine. I guess we are a landing strip for these storms. They just keep poppinn up one after another.
Stay tuned for more info on tropical storm/Hurricane Hanna!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Baseball Fun

Friday night we attended a baseball game at Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter. These are minor league teams so they are fun to watch. Gay and Becky got free tickets from their school so the evening was relatively cheap for our clan. We all met their and Kevin & Becky got us seats behind home plate. Zach always wants to try and get a ball. So with much determination and a little help from Kevin he finally got one. We didn't know this game was a double header, so we really got our monies worth from our free tickets. Yeah! Unfortunately I misplaced my larger camer card , so I was on a much smaller one, so I didn't get many pictures.

A picture of the whole crew minus Gay

our family minus Zach- who knows what he was doing. (trying to get that ball)

Daddy with 2 of his girls

The game

The shark mascot

Britt & Meagan

The players going thru the congratulations line

After the second game they had a local school who had a drumline corp play. They did an awesome job. These were 6th,7th & 8th graders. This video doesn't do them justice and it was only half of their band but they were really good and could really do some moves while playing these instruments. My camera card got full so I couldn't get the best parts.

And also after the second game was fireworks. This was taken with my phone because my camera card was full