Sunday, December 16, 2007

Taking time out to enjoy a program

Friday morning at Andrea's school all the kindergarten classes had a little christmas program. Each class got up and sang a different song along with a pre- recorded tape (well probably a CD) and each class had to dress the part. Andrea's class sang about Santa so they wore a santa hat, others sang frosty and therefore wore a black paper hat like frosty and so on. We were then invited back to their classroom for a treat.
I wasn't sure we would really be able to go because of the work schedule. But decided that work would just have to wait because my kids were more important. It's sometimes hard to put things into perspective, but I have to step back and look at the big picture. Andrea was happy we were there, but also a little shy about the whole thing.

I also have a short video of Andrea's class singing their song. Unfortunately from where I was I couldn't see her very well. She is behind a little girl who is just going to town at her dancing and singing. Andrea isn't putting much into it herself.

1 comment:

Lynn Ann said...

Hey betty this is Lynn.
I had to change my blog url b/c it was under Sam's email. So, If you want to, you can change the link to my blog. Thanks!