Monday, December 24, 2007

We arrived!

We got to my parents about 12:30 AM Saturday night. We were so tired and thought we would wait to unload the van. But decided we just better do it and get it over with.BRRRRR was it cold. We surely woke up out in the wind. Needless to say it was a long process because the van was not cooperating. The fender kept getting stuck on the dolly. We finally got it off and visited a few minutes and headed to bed about 1:15 am. It made for a short night!! We were up and to church on time believe it or not. Without breakfast and coffee in tow. Thus the video below of Meagan chowing on cherios in church. It is quite chilly here. The temperature after church was 30 degrees with a wind chill of -1 degrees and 30 mile per hour winds. It definately felt like the wind was going through you.
We got to see and talk to several people after church. It's always nice to see familiar faces.

We got to see Stephanie Burley and her new baby Allison. She is a cutie! I tried to smuggle her home with me. Think anyone would notice?

After lunch we had a ear waxing party. It's really interesting what you get out of your ears.

Brittany decided to take this video in church of Meagan chowing down on her breakfast. She was one hungry little one.Guess that's what happens when you don't have time for breakfast first.Sorry it's sideways. I did turn right side up, but it downloaded wrong. I really don't want to figure out why.

Later Sundy evening it really started to pepper down the snow. It didn't last too long. And this video doesn't really do it justice.

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