Sunday, May 17, 2009

Vacation part 1

This is a long overdue post. But I have been crazy busy with work and life in general. On Friday May 1st we left work a few hours early to get ready for a weeks vacation. The kids knew we were going away for a few days, but not really how long and where we were going. They were told to pack a suitcase and swimsuits. Rod had to venture down to Jupiter to see a building we are looking to insure and so he dropped me off at home to finish packing. I was just about finished when he called to tell me he would be home in a few minutes and inquired how it was coming with the packing. He came home shortly after , I was in the bedroom and he came in and wanted me to come to the living room.I was totally shocked when I walked out to see our oldest daughter Lex standing there. They surprised me really good! What a great present. She was staying till after Mother's Day. So we got to enjoy a nice family time together . We packed the car and headed out, not without more complications. The Navigator started having issues again (after being in the shop 4 times since our last adventure and a new radiator being replaced- it still wants to overheat, but only on the highway.)The mechanics can't find the problem. So it started its oveheating and we vowed after 45 min. on the road we were going to take our chances and go.We made it without further issues! We mad it to orlando. The kids were excited. But had no clue what was in store for Saturday! Below are a few pics of our condo we stayed in.

This was Britt and Lex's room

Zach could have been a bachelor in his room, it had a small fridge,toaster,microwave and a sink

This was our bedroom

this was the living room/ Jess and Andrea's bedroom

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