Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Jessica Made a coupon book with coupons I can cut out to use for items she will do for me. (most are things I make her do on a regular basis anyhow). She also made a pen with a flower on it in a cup with beans to hold it up.

Zachary made me a purse out of the styrofoam stuff you buy. The decor on the front is cute. He also had a poster(sticking out of the purse) with mother spelled out and what each letter stood for. Quite precious!

Andrea drew a picture of her & I together, also another picture with a flower , and a pinch pot made out of clay.

Brittany picked out a very nice card and is with Meagan and my favorite flower a Lilac. Love to smell those things.

Each present was very precious. Their efforts mean more than anything they could buy. They get so excited when they come home from school and were just dieing all weekend to give it to me. Andrea asked repeatedly if it was Mother's day yet.
I enjoyed each gift tremendously!

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