This was batman. He came to the rescue with an umbrella because it was pouring outside. He came to your car and walked you in under cover or walked you out to your car.
This guy is the manager of the store. Really nice guy! He was dressed as Mr. Incredible. He said he was trying to write a song about the cows- SUPER-COWA-FRAGILISTIC- HA!
This was one of 2 cows walking around the store. Meagan absolutely hated these guys. She screamed and cried everytime they came near our table!
Superman made his appearance too!
Brittany just had to get a picture with the cow and Batman!
Zach with the Incredible Hulk
And this was hilarious! One of the cows kept coming by our table while the other kids were playing in the play area. So Meagan wasn't around to freak out. He grabbed a crayon (they put paper on the tables so kids could draw) and he had seen us taking pictures so he wrote: I'm a cool cow, put the pic on myspace!
Here below is another time he came by and did the souja boy dance for us. Britt got a video! Sorry it's sideways, but you get the point.
I know the chicken dance, the YMCA...but what is the "souja" dance!?!? Looks like a fun night!
I didn't know that chick-fila did that. That's pretty cool though. That's funny that Megan was scared of the cows! :)
Mary Ellen- the soulja(Mispell before) Boy dance is some lovely new dance kids like today. You Tube seems to have many videos of it. My kids like to try doing it. Gotta keep up on the latest ya know. They think I'm nuts when I try the YMCA dance.
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