Friday, March 30, 2007

Cheese again

Lifetouch comes to the school twice a year for pictures. Once in the fall when school starts.They must wear their uniform for that picture. Then they come again in the spring, and they can wear regular clothes. I don't normally buy the pictures very often. Mainly because they usually aren't too great. But Brittany's didn't turn out half bad this year. So I decided to buy some. It has been awhile since I have gotten a picture of her by herself. Thought I would share it with everyone since their wouldn't be enough to go around.


Truckin Teeds said...

Very nice picture! Tell all the kids hello from us, and tell Jess I'm SOOO proud of her!!!

Leora Schenck said...

Brittany has turned into a very beautiful young lady. I can't believe how fast all of your kids have grown!

I'm glad that your kiddos are doing so well in school. Andrea will get there too. We definitely know the struggle experience (w/ Landen), but thankfully he is doing so much better. We switched schools too and he loves his new school very much!