Friday, March 23, 2007

A picture moment

Meagan loves to eat! She has from day one. She gets so mad when her food is gone that she throws a little fit if there isn't more coming. She will go to anyone who has food and give you that look saying I want some. Lately she has this thing for the trash. Guess she's figured out that there are scraps in there. So you don't dare leave the trash where she could get to it. Sounds sick I know. And she hasn't gotten anything gross. After Rod's birthday cake, someone decided to empty the trash and for whatever reason sat it on the floor. She became very quiet, so upon investigating she was found. She had gotten into the bag and found the plates with cake on it. She was having a feast.Or so she thought.She definately will keep you on your toes. And don't take the food away whatever you do This album is powered by BubbleShare - Add to my blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a little piggy... she didnt save me a piece of cake....(cry's) love ya