Friday, March 30, 2007

Field day

The high school had their annual field day event on Wednesday this week. This is a day that they go to a local park and have competition between themselves in different events. I think they kind of enjoy doing it. They have running events, 3 legged races, baseball tosses etc. And they receive ribbons for 1st , 2nd, & 3rd place. I wasn't able to go for the whole thing to watch Brittany, But her dad and I got her a subway sub and took her lunch and made it there right before the final event The water balloon toss. The whole high school participates in this. I think they like the getting each other wet part.They stand in pairs across from each other and toss a water balloon to each other. Hoping it won't break, they get farther apart and keep tossing. I guess the last ones with their balloon intact and farthest apart wins. I got a few pictures of it. Brittany got ribbons in 2 events. She is not my athletic child. She received 1st place in the 3 legged race and 2nd place in the girls 440 yd relay. She complains she is sore now. Goes to show we all need to excercise more. This album is powered by BubbleShare - Add to my blog

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